Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wow! I really need to update this more!

Kuba is 10 1/2 months now. Time flies! He is getting so big, and everyday, I see him becoming more of a little boy, and less of a baby. He is walking now. He started early at about 9 months...and he's been going ever since then.

He has got major personality, and he definitely knows what he likes, and what he doesn't like.

His likes right now:
-Anything round
-Anything electronic
-"Petting" Nypel
-Squishing food between his fingers
-Cuddles with Mommy

Things he is not a fan of:
-Door stoppers (these scare him soooo much)
-When Mommy leaves the room
-Loud noises
-Long car rides (why sit when you can play?)

We are going to Poland in two weeks. A 14 hour plane ride, with an 11 month old is brave, so we'll see how we do. I plan on taking lots of junk to keep him busy, Cheerios, portable DVD player, toys, his stuffed wiener dog, and his bed blanket. We are flying at night, so I am hoping he'll just pass out:) We will be there for 3 weeks, staying with Krystian's grandma (Babja Irena). We are hoping to get some travel in, but I am pretty sure we are going to have to take travel, day by day.

Anyway, knowing be, I won't update this until we get back, so SEE YA LATER!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

My First Mothers Day

Tomorrow is my first mothers day.

Sometimes I can't believe I am a mother..other times...I don't want to believe it:) But mostly, I love it. Actually, I was talking to my Polish man about it. He asked me (after a particularly hard day with a fussy 7 month old), "Do you like being a mom?" Even in this moment, I was tired, I had a combination of drool, spit up, and pee on me, the answer was "yes". It was an easy answer.

Jakub is this extension of me, a part of me. My heart is so full with love for him, sometimes I feel like it's going to burst. (Mind you, in the moments he wakes up at 2:30am, I am pretty sure I want to jump out a window) Sometimes it's hard for me to believe two imperfect people created this PERFECT little being.

He is turning into this interesting person. He LOVES his Daddy. I think they are going to be great friends when he grows up. The Polish Man walks in the room, and Kuba's face lights up. Only for his Daddy. Sometimes I am taken by how beautiful those moments are, I feel like I am going to burst into tears. His daddy makes him laugh harder than I can, and by doing to the weirdest things I, as a mom, wouldn't even think of. It's a Daddy thing...

He is starting to crawl, and get more mobile. This is a curse and a blessing. A curse because sometimes he wakes himself up at night trying to crawl, and he doesn't even know what he's doing. A blessing because now things are not out of reach, grabbing that toy just past his arm is less frustrating for him.

He is changing and growing each day, and sometimes it's happening too fast for his mommy. But I'll tell ya, it's been so much fun to watch!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Almost 6 months!

Jakub is almost 6 months old. He has two teeth, and he likes to bite things. He is sitting up totally on his own and is starting to "chat". He is so much fun. He has started to like falling asleep on his own. He has a hard time sleeping in my arms, and although I'm pretty sure I have a harder time letting that go than him, it's a good thing. He is eating baby food now. I decided to make my own food, and it's so easy! He is eating Green Beans, sweet potato, (Krystian says every good Polish person likes potatoes), apples and Bananas. His favorite is apples, maybe cause they are sweet? I can't wait to give him a lemon to watch his face:)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My First Tooth!

Kuba's first tooth cut through yesterday!


Friday, February 22, 2008


I am someone who is easily over-stimulated. Mostly when it comes to noise. I have a hard time relaxing if someone is talking loudly on the phone, blaring music, or if the TV is slightly too loud. I get tense, and I have a hard time concentrating. I think Kuba might be the same way. He can't seem to relax (mostly to eat) if there is too much noise. I can't really blame the little guy, and I know what he's going through. I can't seem to train myself to get over this, and I don't think Kuba will outgrow it either.

I am wondering what the best ways to get past this are...I don't want Kuba to always be uncomfortable when there is something slightly too loud.

I guess like Mother, like son:)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Well, time flies.

Kuba had his 4 month check up last monday. He is a super healthy 16 pounds. And he is a tall little guy, as I am told from the Doctor, although I have nothing to compare it too...but he is perfect.

I think I have a perfect kid. I mean, I am sure tons of mothers would love to argue with me, but I'm pretty sure, I would win.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I love being a mom.